Foliage Manager


Controls Foliage Render Quality and Wind

Foliage Manager should be present on every level using our assets. It is located at "/EasyBiomes/Blueprints". It processes a lot of things under the hood (like calculating wind direction, water level, materials behavior etc.) and also provides convenient controls.

BP_FolaigeManager Details

  • Wind Direction - simply rotate actor to desired direction, arrow points to where wind is blowing.

  • Wind Strength - controls wind strength. Changing it forces foliage to update, so it twitches on every change.

  • Wind Strength Cinematic - changes wind strength smoothly, although it doesn’t affect wind speed. (Useful for cinematics)

  • Wind Direction Random - controls wind direction randomness. 0 - exact direction angle, 1 - random direction from 360 degrees.

  • Wind Direction Random Speed - controls wind direction change speed. 0 - constant wind direction, 1 - wind changes direction fast.



  • Foliage Quality - controls various parameters to help optimize scene. Affects shadows, nanite quality, foliage leaves scale (bigger leaves renders faster), lumen scene. Cinematic quality preset cranks this values to extreme, which are not the default engine values and only meant to be used for offline rendering.

  • Particles Amount - controls particles amount spawned by biome.

  • Night - changes particles and some materials behavior. (enables fireflies and campfires for example)

  • Rain - controls surface wetness