Foliage Interaction
Adding interaction to your character
Foliage character interaction is handled by our blueprint component BP_FoliageInteraction. It is located at "/EasyBiomes/Blueprints". Interaction sounds are using trace channels, so always use our DefaultEngine.ini or at least make sure to copy trace channels from our project. More info at Migrating Assets.
Please note that our product supports only one character at a time. While it is theoretically possible to add interaction to multiple character simultaneously, each one will still be processed uniquely. Performance costs would grow linearly, adding second character would double performance cost, third - triple and so on. So we chose to stay within reasonable performance bounds and limit interaction to one character only.
BP_FolaigeInteraction In Character Blueprint
Open you character blueprint.
Navigate to "EasyBiomes/Blueprints"
Drag and drop BP_FoliageInteraction component to components section of your character blueprint.
Compile and save your character blueprint.
Congrats! You are all set.
How to:
Interaction sounds - toggles interaction sounds.
Character Scale - distance at which character is able to interact with foliage. This value is combined with "Interaction Radius" in Foliage Material.
Step Interval - interval between each step sound.
Character setup